Being Creative everyday and taking this creativity out into the world... Seeing the beauty in it all.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Seeds of Peace

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Out of the stormy center
Saturday, July 26, 2008
more Zendalas

Solar Power... This is what came to me while creating this. I really am enjoying working with the gel pens. Bought some colored ones today. I'm also wanting to "doodle" objects, something recognizable in these Zendalas, although I still want it to come from the subconscious mind, rather than consciously come to the page to draw something specific.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Silver journey

First page in the black journal.
The book is bigger and doesn't fit completely on the scanner, so the top words are chopped off. Layered first with white pencil and then layered color over it... ala Judith Cornell.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Being in the Zen

This the first one I did and just had to do another one, but I wanted to add color, thus - the one above. I traced around an old 45... and then just kept shifting it to create the inside lines.
I love the play of lines and how they come forward to recede... they are just so cool to make.
I used a thicker pen, and therefore it turned out to be bolder which I like. Again, I used a 45 and then shifted it around the circle a couple of times, adding some free form lines. I think this one I'll call....... "What a ride!"
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A new theme...
Yesterday, we spent the day painting mandalas and embellishing them as well. I decided to create flower mandalas as decorations for the camp carnival and show. We usually have a theme to camp and this year it's New York, but since we don't have a music teacher, the theme for the camp show is Disney, different than the show........ I decided to do generic decorations rather than decorate for two themes.
Petal of Love

Sunday, July 13, 2008
An Award :-)

It is so amazing to me how we are linked by this blogging community. Making new friends... I have even traveled with my online friend Mai-Liis, who is like a sister to me... and we met online!
This is a tool used for good... so now I am to pass it on to others, where they can pass it on as well, and the blogging community expands ever more so. We can meet other creative and inspiring souls by linking to each other creating a chain of love and acknowledgement.
We should all be acknowledged for the way we reach out to help others, bring our gifts to the world in ways that are unique to us.
I'm passing this on to my wise and creative friend Mai-Liis. My traveling companion twice to Peru... a trip that will remain a highlight in my life. Thank you for your friendship and sharing your truth, wisdom and creative spirit. Mai-Liis is an artist and healer and can be seen here and here. I have used her original name here which I feel is beautiful and unique, but on our spiritual journey, she has evolved into Chaska. When the time comes for taking that step into our power and we need to shed the old self in order to make room for the new, we can take on a new spiritual name. More on that later :-)
New to the blogging community is my friend Ann Marie. I am so happy that she has decided to share her self here with her amazing insights, photographic skills and her creative self expression. She is someone dear to me, another spiritual soul that I can connect with.. and in person! Find her creative and expressive self here where she too shares her gifts of bringing the creative arts to others.
In our Mandala Oasis group, Milliande has a really wonderful site full of information to be inspired by...inspiration for the creative soul! Sometimes we need a jump start and this is a great place for that... thanks Milliande for sharing your gifts. Check it out here.
Rebecca has a blog I check into on a regular basis. Another spiritual artist who share her honesty and words of wisdom for me to ponder and who shares her soul with others openly. I'm honored to have one of her angel prints sitting on my meditation desk... a reminder I am taken care of by the Universe. She's gone through some really tough times, but her strong faith and love open up her compassionate heart for us and it is a lesson in knowing there are others that will support us. Love and art heal.
Stop by to say hi here.
.....and I would not be doing any of this if it wasn't for Leah's Creative Everyday blog!!
I had a dry period and she inspired me to get back on track and through doing art and connecting with that blog... it lead me to joining Mandala Oasis... so here's to being creative everyday... living the creative life is living life to the fullest.
Get inspired and join in on the fun here.
so here's the deal............
The Arte y Pico Award is meant to be paid forward to five bloggers who you want to recognize for their creative talents, interesting material, and overall contribution to the blogger community...helping to make the world a better place, one blog pots at a time!
Now it's your turn...If you have been selected for the award, please pay it forward, following the steps below:
1) Choose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award based on creativity, design, interesting material, and overall contribution to the blogger community, regardless of the language.
2) Post the name of the author and a link to his or her blog so everyone can view it.
3) Each award-winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award.
4) The award-winner and the presenter should post the link of the "Arte y pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5) Please post these rules! - Be my guest to copy and paste from here..The Arte y Pico blog is in Spanish.
To read it in English, click here. The translation is not perfect.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
I took one of my flower photos, played around with it, altering the color in printshop and then added some images... I didn't like where it was going, but kept playing around with it. The image of the hands in the four directions, turning the wheel... participating in the cycle, making a difference or not by what we choose to do or create.
Time will move ahead whether we play or not.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Passion Flower