"Life is too short and this lifetime in particular is too valuable for you to spend it doing things that don’t engage your passion and that block your heart energy from flowing into the world."
This was part of my horoscope for the week, but really, it should be an ongoing reminder for all of us at all times. This time of the year is a reminder for me to do just that.. to do what I love doing and to share my passions. A time to open the heart even wider to share.. to give to others.
We live in such an affluent area that sometimes we need a reminder that it's not all like this.
Yesterday, John and I spent part of the day at a Fair Trade Festival where we met with people who are sharing their passions in other countries as well as our own to help create a better world. This world includes clean water and food, an education and medicine... things we tend to take for granted here. These are people who are making a difference traveling to some of the poorest areas, sacrificing the comforts we expect here at home.
It was a heart opening experience to be surrounded by a room filled with these giving people.
Here at home, I can follow the same path. The path of sharing - giving -of myself, my work, my passions.
Key here is to do what you love to do and then pass the love and light of it on to others. Give your gifts to the world.
When you photograph a beautiful sight, paint your visions, create in clay, write your story... and share that, you pass along your gift.
And I thank you.
May your heart always be open.