Friday, December 04, 2009

Time without "you"

Just before my computer caught a nasty virus, I watched a Teesha Moore video on creating your own journal from one piece of paper. I love the format of the book and that's what I did during the free time NOT on the computer.
I had so much fun cutting and gluing and created a whole journal. I ended up putting it into the show case at the town house with my assemblages because the theme was "recycling into art".
I laid out some junk mail catalogs.. then the journal.. then some cards which were pages scanned from the journal.
I loved it so much, I brought the idea to class and my older kids are now collaging in their own hand-made journals. Thanks Teesha :-)
Now, I have decided to limit my time on the computer. I realized how much of a distraction it can be and how habitual.
With coffee in hand, every morning I checked my email... instead I journaled and sometimes even cleaned :-)


Cheryl said...

Oh Doreen.. I love this! I was just reading an article online by Teesha - about art journaling - and now this! Thank you for is colorful, unique..and fun! It's good to be at your blog again. I've been on a bit of a sabatacle.

Happiest of holidays to you..
blessings.. Cheryl

cheryl said...

P.S. I too realized how much the computer can be a diverter-of-creativity.. or of inner-work/reflection/quiet time ...which is why I've been absent. It's like a nice long "ahhhh".
enjoy :)