Being Creative everyday and taking this creativity out into the world... Seeing the beauty in it all.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Monday I finish up the library at HAS, so I made sure to bring my paints home
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Painting progress
In class, the kids used the modeling paste on some scrap foam core pieces and placed mirrors on them.
So, when I placed them on the canvas - Bingo!
I then added some wire, laying it on top connecting the pieces. 5 wires - 5 elements (5 Doreens :-)
5 paths.......
This is still in a process, not sure where it will go.
I took one with a flash and one without.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Mural additions
I needed to pull together the background and foreground. Of course I did this backwards, but I have been winging it with this painting. Just adding as I go along. Because of the stairway, I figured I would do the houses on the hill, just like this area. Steep hills. I really wanted to have fun with the houses. The kids are picking out which one they want to live in. Cute.
Next week I have off and will wrap it up. I've gotten carried away with it already...
But that is me and paint. Just love it.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I love my camera
We live in an amazing world. Whenever you are down, get your camera and go outside. If you can't go outside or you don't have a camera, well then, think about how amazing your body is. Think about it. I woke up the other morning in one of those wonderful moods and was having this feeling of awe that I was here. I mean really. You live in the facinating body. How the heck???
Life is so good :-)

Life is so good :-)
Miksang for Mindfulness
Sunday, June 10, 2007
It takes a village...
I have been painting in a spontaneous manner, nothing really planned. Need something inbetween the village and wall. One idea that has been repeated is to paint a child fishing in the brook. Fish flying up out of the water. I can see it!!
This has been a really fun project and it's fun to have the kids respond to it and making suggestions. Not sure a dinosaur will fit though, but a lot of the suggestions they make are great and when they see it on the wall, they are so proud. It makes them feel a part of it.
It's just so hard photographing it, because I can't stand back from it. I can only do small sections.
For now...........
Monday, June 04, 2007
Moving up the stairs
I'm thinking of houses, but cute and whimsical houses with paths and gardens. It's all flowing nicely, but seeing it in this way, on screen, I know what I need to alter. Why I do not see it while I am there is kind of weird to me. But when I see it in the picture, I can see it in a different perspective. Hard photographing it because I can't step back from it except the one part at the entrance. I'll be back painting again on Wednesday.
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