When life comes at us from all angles, hitting us with demands from this direction and that, we have a choice. We can ride the edge of the wheel and become part of that turmoil and chaos, or we can move towards the center and breathe into our own stillness - our heart center.
From there, we can know our next step. We then can move from the still point, the calm center. This is what mandala does for me. It brings me to that still point, quiet, peaceful, my heart center, and I make a choice from there.
My response, rather than reaction, comes from the question of "what will help me to grow?.. what best serves my higher Self?"
I move from the self-centered reaction of "what about me!?" to how can I be of service to you, a compassionate and more whole response. I move from the centered Self, and carry my gifts, my purpose out into the world.
It is a constant movement - inside to outside- back and forth- a balance of give and take.
I would like to take away your pain and give you joy. I would like to come from a point of compassion and gratitude all the time, but it is a journey. One that has me coming and going.
How joyous it is when this flow comes between us, sharing the journey of give and take. How wonderful when we are in balance.
When there are obstacles and turmoil, I move back inside.. into the center of mandala, heart center, and find the deep gratitude that awaits there for me... So much kindness. So much love that I can focus on... and then the rest disappears.