Releasing Seeds
Beyond the Garden Gate
Golden Cocoon
I took a break to do some painting... and then took a break from that to do some mandalas.
This last one, golden cocoon, is about where I am right now.
Just as I was about to write, after uploading this, my son called and began to speak of feeling as if he were in a cocoon stage.
WHAT?!?! (I am not alone)
He is an Aquarius as well, so we discussed astrology.
I'm reading Sue Monk Kidd's, When the Heart Waits and she is speaking of the cocoon, the gestation stage. Waiting.
I get it. I get the messages that are all around me and I'm learning as well how others deal with it.
It's not an easy stage, as there is a lot of inner work and quiet time to be had... waiting is key.
Waiting by immersing yourself in yourself. This I do best by painting. Painting is my therapy. It reflects, it mirrors and helps bring things to the surface.. that which is not always comfortable. It helps me to look deeply into that forever question: "Why am I here? What is my purpose?"
Sometimes I get it. That feeling of contentment when everything is all right with the world, love surrounds me and I feel the abundance of All That Is!
and then there comes those times of doubt. Am I delusional?
Beyond the Garden Gate caused reflection on how we need to break from our self-limiting boundaries. We need more passion, risk taking, adventure!
We become torn between obligations and responsibilites, to be the good child, and the lust to take it ALL in. Explore ALL of it.
We limit ourselves with Time and Space... and maybe that is the real illusion.
Beyond the Garden Gate
Golden Cocoon
I took a break to do some painting... and then took a break from that to do some mandalas.
This last one, golden cocoon, is about where I am right now.
Just as I was about to write, after uploading this, my son called and began to speak of feeling as if he were in a cocoon stage.
WHAT?!?! (I am not alone)
He is an Aquarius as well, so we discussed astrology.
I'm reading Sue Monk Kidd's, When the Heart Waits and she is speaking of the cocoon, the gestation stage. Waiting.
I get it. I get the messages that are all around me and I'm learning as well how others deal with it.
It's not an easy stage, as there is a lot of inner work and quiet time to be had... waiting is key.
Waiting by immersing yourself in yourself. This I do best by painting. Painting is my therapy. It reflects, it mirrors and helps bring things to the surface.. that which is not always comfortable. It helps me to look deeply into that forever question: "Why am I here? What is my purpose?"
Sometimes I get it. That feeling of contentment when everything is all right with the world, love surrounds me and I feel the abundance of All That Is!
and then there comes those times of doubt. Am I delusional?
Beyond the Garden Gate caused reflection on how we need to break from our self-limiting boundaries. We need more passion, risk taking, adventure!
We become torn between obligations and responsibilites, to be the good child, and the lust to take it ALL in. Explore ALL of it.
We limit ourselves with Time and Space... and maybe that is the real illusion.
All of your mandalas are "wow" material. I can't remember at what point I said it outloud, but wow I did. I totally relate to the coccoon thing too. Have you read anything about the Saturn in Virgo transit occurring now until sometime in 2010? Im attributing my gestation period to this transit. There's tons of info on line..maybe this will give you some insight as well. At any rate...I look forward to seeing what comes from this birthing!
Saturn is about to conjunct my ascendant. an astrologer recently told me things will become clearer after this.
Yes, my gestation period will hopefully produce some clarity in the near future. I think it crosses over on the 11th .... and I will be patient :-)
All of these, as well as their predecessors, as truly mar-vel-ous.
And the Relasing Seeds really speaks to me as well as the Golden Cocoon. Up until a few years ago I was "cocooning", for a # of years a did this; it was what my soul needed. Going within, allowing myself to indulge in whatever Spirit dictated, withougt argument. That lasted several years. And, in that time among other things I was Releasing Seeds (altho I didnt' know it consciously), but that's what cocooning does, it invites us to release; just as the catapillar must do. It can be an ueasy place to be, until we let go and let the cocoon nurse us where we need it most. which you're probably doing already. Keep being with it, and you'll release unique seeds, and harvest their your heart of hearts. Enjoy. Trust. And keep creating your marvelous art! Thank you so much for sharing your gifts.
Thank you for this Cheryl.
A warm hug to you :-)
Magical work...I so relate to the cocoon thing...This year I emerged from a cocooning stage that I had been in for about four years...Kate
hey Kate, wondering what planets might have been in your 12th house !?!
I found you through Seth's The Pulse. Love your work, especially this cocoon!
I love your Mandalas on a black support, so striking and beautiful...gonna give this a go myself.
Doreen...I'll have to check into my chart and see what was going on regarding the planets in the 12th house duirng that time frame...Kate
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