When I looked at my chart this morning, I was struck by the shape the planets made that are transiting around my chart. These are the red inner symbols which are transiting my outer birth date planets in blue (these don't change).
A bowl... an empty vessel waiting to be filled.
I am open, waiting to be filled with whatever new ventures come my way. What will I accept and what will I turn away?
When planets are at the bottom of the chart, one is more internal, looking within rather than pushing outwards. Recently, an astrology referred to this period in my life as a cocoon stage.
The first house, Virgo rising, has Saturn there. It is the house of Self and with Saturn, I am seeing Self-Discipline enter more profoundly. Finding that true Self and understanding it more deeply so I can in turn bring it out to the world.
My values in life, 2nd house, is being activated by the energy and assertion of Mars, the Sun and Mercury. Valuing my potentials, my gifts, my worth.
My dear friend and healer through her
Psych-K testing brought this up, seeing a connection here to my recent bought of poison ivy!
She's amazing! I have come to realize the true value in myself and what I have to offer others and how to be compensated for it... which is always somewhat of a challenge.
Yes. I do deserve all the good things in life, good relationships, love, warm home, an abundance of art supplies :-).... You get the picture. What's the value of my services?
Yes, Chaska, I did give myself a raise :-)
The 3rd house - house of communication holds Venus there... speak and communicate with love.
The 4th is the home. Pluto, planet of transformation has been hanging out here for quite awhile and Jupiter has been bringing in the luck. I do have a happy home - but will I be moving soon???
5th house, where my sun sits, is the house of creativity. The moon will briefly visit for 2 days, so I'll make the best of my creativity - more painting and mandala making!
Neptune is hanging out in the 6th house of service and health. mmmmm and on the cusp of the 7th has been Uranus bringing in a lot of unexpected and sudden partnerships and relationships. This is the house where you begin to move outward towards others.
With Uranus, one learns to expect the unexpected.
I am an open vessel... we all are if we choose to be, ready to be filled with our passions. When we take the time to be filled, like a well, then we can in turn supply the refreshing waters of our true spirit - sharing them with others.
We are all blessed when we give of ourselves, our True Self, rather than what we think may be "expected" of us, thinking this is the responsible self, when in fact, we would be doing ourselves, others and our planet a disservice if we did not give who we
really are.
Divine Beings -
Let us all be filled with Love.
ok, so I meant to place this in the other blog Roots N' Wings.... oh well...